Wilner Zabala
English 101

  1. In the national article named Doomed to irrelevance. (the UN Conference Against Racism), the UN is having a conference involving racism. The Arab delegates claimed that Zions should be denounced as a racist group and that Israel should be characterized as a nation that is practicing a new kind of apartheid. When this was being debated, the U.S and Israel walked out of the conference, and with them leaving the slim hope that this conference would be even minimally successful left with them. The narrator claims that racism is too big and too complex of a subject that has become untraceable (meaning that it’s everywhere, so no one knows where to start to start making change) to be discussed at the UN.
  2. In the article To Dismantle Racism, We Must Discuss it, it talks about all races in a high school environment. The text talks about how different students have different struggles trying to fit in school due to their race. For example, there’s this girl named Jin who is Chinese but tries to identify as white because that is how she was raised in her household. However, she finds it difficult to fit in because people sees her as Chinese and nothing else.
  3. In the article Racism Inflation it references “Nevel at El” text and how he talks about how racism doesn’t exist in America anymore due to metaphorical color blindness. He claims that white privilege is something that the new generation of whites don’t have and that everyone has a fair chance. He claims that with color blindness, in essence a person’s race shouldn’t be taken into account, in law or real world scenarios. This isn’t the case as the author tries to prove. Furthermore, the author claims that racism does still exist, but that it is going through inflation.
  4. In the government article Racism By the Numbers it talks about the national statistic of growing racism. It first mentions the number of hate websites in the word, which is 300,000. Then it mentions people who either experienced racism or were arrested due to hate crimes. They speak about how much they have seen racism grow in recent years since Donald Trump has taken office. Furthermore, they speak about statistic of people that would most likely experience or have experienced racism or discrimination.

Image result for the more you know gif

Work Cited

  1. MUHAMMAD KG. Racism by the Numbers. (cover story). Nation. 2018;306(3):32-33. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lgs&AN=127241178&site=ehost-live. Accessed October 10, 2019.
  2. Germán, L. (2019). To dismantle racism, we must discuss it. English Journal, 108(4), 15-16. Retrieved from https://ez.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/2201670197?accountid=11724
  3. Hautala, D., & Sittner, K. (2019). Longitudinal Mechanisms Linking Perceived Racial Discrimination to Aggressive Delinquency among North American Indigenous Youth. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 56(5), 694–735.
  4. References Zuriff, G. E. (2014). Racism inflation. American Psychologist, 69(3), 309–310. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0035807
